Friday, June 15, 2007

Pensacola Dam, Grand Lake Oklahoma
First of all, this is the lake where I grew up, we spent our time up on the Honey Creek arm by Melody Pt. and Ranch Resort. The dam was the first hydroelectric facility in the state and was built between 1938, and 1940. It spans over a mile (6,565 feet) across the Grand River Valley and holding back 43,500 acres of water that form Grand Lake O' the Cherokees. Current Pool elevation is 749.82 feet on Friday, 15Jun07, at this elevation the total amount of water stored in the lake is 1,907,820 acre-feet. The Minimum level of the lake is 741.97 feet where 1,535,709 acre-feet of water is retained. BTW, there are legendary giant catfish that live at the base of the dam.

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