Thursday, October 26, 2006

First Big Snow at 6000'
I'm sure all this will be gone in a few days, what's important is that we are accumulating snow in the high country and that's a good thing. Gema and Indy love the snow!

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Mean Dogs Suck
Little Indy and I were attacked by a German Shepard. We both had to go to the ER. The Docs didn't want to stitch me or Indy because it increases the risks of infection.

Sunday, October 15, 2006

Kiki's Quilt - Stars Over Colorado
This took a year to make and it's her best work yet. Made from heritage fabrics and custom long-arm quilted by Dorthy Cornforth.

Kiki's Quilt - Stars Over Colorado
This is the label on the back of the quilt.

Kiki's Quilt - Stars Over Colorado
Here's a good shot of the entire quilt.

Saturday, October 14, 2006

Planting lots of Iris
Chandelle and her mom tended her mom's Iris garden and divided the rhizomes then replanted, something we'll need to do every 4 years. The peak time to divide is in the fall when the soil is still warm and the air has begun to cool. This allows disturbed roots to re-establish themselves without placing a severe demand to supply moisture to the leaves. Patty gave us a few bags of rhizomes for our house and we made a little rock garden on the south side of the lawn..

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Fall BBQ
Kiki took this great picture. I have 2 Boston Butts and 2 racks of baby back ribs in the smoker. We had the Greenes' over for one last fall hurrah before they headed south for the winter.

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Mike Jans Hunting Report from Northern Alberta
Once again, a successful hunting season (4 years running!). Saw tons of black bears, Moose, Elk and of course mule deer. I shot this one from a tree stand -at 20 yards and dropped him on the spot. Mike Ukrainetz scored him at 163" so he's well into the Pope & Young record book (minimum 145). Had an awesome time and can't wait to go next year.

Monday, October 02, 2006

2006 Riverside Vikings Volleyball Coaches
Molly, Chandelle, Lindsey, and Terri