Saturday, March 25, 2006


Gema's thinking, 'I love ducks'

Indy's first day at the pond. She got to watch Gema leap into the water over and over again. I'll let her get into the water when she wants. I can't wait to go swimming with her and Gema this summer in the Colorado River.

Thursday, March 16, 2006

I think Gema had enough today looking after Indy, Cassie, and Jackson.

My kind of girl. Here's a snowy fact. Lets say that a guest picks up her plate and licks it clean to the dismay and emabarrasment of other guests, it is good manners and the hosts duty to deflect by picking up his plate and giving it a good lick. I once read something like that, I think it was sipping soup out of a bowl. Although this wasn't really considered a fauxpaux with our guests, I licked the plate anyway.

Riverside 6th Grade team dinner. Joel, Eddie, Terri with an i, Ryan, Cami, Neil, Lindsey, Mike, Dianne, and Delle.